Presentations: What is identity in the digital era?Presented by Andres KüttSlidesIdentity Metasystem and Trust by Sovrin FoundationPresented by Phil WindleySlides Watch on YouTube
Presentations: SchlussPresented by Marie-Jose HoefmansSchluss puts you back in control of your personal information. Their tagline is “With Schluss you, and only you, decide who knows what about you.”MinervaPresented by Robert MitwickiMinerva is designed as a new generation of a mobile digital wallet, similar like an analog wallet but for the decentralized economy in the Web 3.0 […]
Presentations: Consent Receipt SpecificationPresented by Jim Pasquale (Kantara Initiative)This global consent receipt specification aims to decrease the reliance on privacy policies and enhance the ability for people to share and control personal information.SlidesFairdropPresented by Crt Ahlin (DataFund)Fairdrop is an open sourced Consent Receipt Suite (using Kantara’s CR specification and storing them into Fairdrive decentralized storage.Slides Watch on YouTube