Our projects
MyData Global collaborates with partners on a number of international projects. Check out the ongoing and past projects for more information.

Ongoing projects

Data Spaces Support Centre
The Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) will explore the needs of data space initiatives, define common requirements and establish best practices to accelerate the formation of sovereign data spaces as a crucial element of digital transformation in all areas.
What is it about?
The Data Space Support Centre contributes to the creation of common data spaces – outlined in the European Data Strategy on February 2020 – that collectively create a data sovereign, interoperable and trustworthy data sharing environment, to enable data reuse within and across sectors, fully respecting EU values, and supporting the European economy and society.
With an increased circulation of data information, different stakeholders, from consumers and users, such as farmers, building companies, urban mobility agencies or citizens, will be able to make better decisions, thereby contributing to the objectives of the Green Deal and the SDG’20.
What is MyData’s role in it?
Data sharing can have significant value in all sectors of society, but it has to be done in a way that is sustainable from business, societal, and individual perspectives. The European data space approach embraces open and transparent interoperability, which is critical in making data sharing societally sustainable. To also make it sustainable from the individual perspective, practical human control and empowerment in personal data sharing should be implemented.
This is where MyData can help. We want to enshrine our human-centric principles into data space development and, hence, make data spaces the right approach for future data ecosystems. MyData Global has joined this endeavour with three main tasks and objectives in mind:
- To contribute to the data spaces blueprint so that it aligns with the human-centric approach and the MyData principles, as well as taking into account the concept of data intermediation services outlined in the Data Governance Act and MyData operator work.
- To support the co-creation of sustainable governance models and, in particular, develop the interaction between the project and European Data Innovation Board (EDIB).
- To use our experience in open and participatory community development and be responsible for the community of practice operations in the DSSC.
Who else is involved?
The DSSC consortium brings together 12 full partners and 16 associated and collaboration partners with solid experience in data ecosystem. The project Consortium includes the following organisations:
Project Partners
- Franhoufer – Project Lead
- MyData Global
- Capgemini Invent
- Fiware Foundation
- Gaia-x
- International Data Spaces Association
- Ku Leuven
- Sitra
- University of Galway
Associated partners
- Acatech
- Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation
- Cea
- Cefriel
- Data Sharing Coallition
- DigitalEurope
- Innopay
- Movalia
- ITI – Investigate To Innovate
- mediTech
- Open & Agile Smart Cities
- aNewGovernance
What will the project achieve?
One of the key objectives of the Data Space Support Centre (DSSC) is to establish a Network of Stakeholders that includes all relevant organisations and initiatives involved in the development of data spaces. This network is made up of a diverse range of groups and individuals.
Besides that, the expected benefits for Public Administrations and Businesses are:
- Enabling the availability of technologies, processes, legal frameworks, standards, and tools (e.g. Community of Practice, Blueprint) for the deployment of data spaces;
- Fostering the adoption of above technologies and standards to enable the reuse of data across sectors by different stakeholders with a multidisciplinary approach based on co-creation and interaction;
- Contributing to the generation of sustainable and scalable products and services for the global market leveraging the use of shared data in business model development or in efficient, effective and repeatable policy decision-making.
- Ensuring that more data becomes available for use in the economy and society, while keeping those who generate the data in control;
- Facilitating the sharing of data, hereby creating a positive impact in the daily lives of citizens and giving confidence to businesses and public administrations.
How can I find out more?
Follow MyData Global Twitter and LinkedIn channels and subscribe to our newsletter for more updates about the project.
Visit the project website at https://dssc.eu/
Contact information
Carlos Iglesias – carlos.iglesias@mydata.org
MyData Global – Projects Lead
Project contact and consultation – https://dssc.eu/contact-and-consultation/
The Data Spaces Support Centre receives funding from the European Union:

CYANOTYPES – A Community of Change for Creative Skills
CYANOTYPES adopts anticipatory strategies to develop and test a methodological framework that will empower creators to imagine multiple futures, making processes they are involved in today more sustainable, more resilient, and more dynamic.
CYANOTYPES strategically adopts a triple loop learning framework that combines the effective adoption of existing (and validated) skillsets the co-creative development of new skillsets and a flexible framework to respond to disruptive changes with future skillsets.
What is it about?
CYANOTYPES brings together a wide variety of organisations, stakeholders, and European networks to address the needs and skills gaps in the Cultural & Creative Industries. Based on innovative multidisciplinary approaches, CYANOTYPES tackles the sector’s potential for innovation and competitiveness, which deals as well with challenges presented by, among others, COVID-19, the digital transition, and the green shift.
Through the integration of specific and transversal skillsets, CYANOTYPES will provide context-specific points of entry and respond to disruptive elements into the sector with upskilling and reskilling processes for different stakeholder groups leading to change and innovation in CCI education and training.
What is MyData’s role in it?
MyData joined partners from academia, culture and creative hubs, national and pan-European initiatives to bring together core expertise from a variety of stakeholders and address the missing skillsets for the future of Cultural & Creative Industries.
The ambitions set by the European Commission are aligned with the MyData vision for a fair, sustainable and prosperous digital society. Raising data literacy, among other transversal skills is needed to be able to participate, not to mention shape the digital future we want to create.
What will it achieve?
The objective of CYANOTYPES is to provide a solid basis for the development of a strategic approach to researching, anticipating, co-creating, stress-testing and integrating new and concrete skills development solutions that can be adopted across the creative sector.
This endeavour focuses on three major themes:
- Strengthening sustainable competitiveness, as set out in the European Green Deal
- Ensuring social fairness, putting into practice the first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights: access to education, training and lifelong learning for everybody, everywhere in the EU
- Building resilience to react to crises based on the lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Who else is involved?
CYANOTYPES is a pan-European project, initiated by a consortium of 20 members and 28 associated partners.
Project Partners
Higher Education Institutions
- University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU) – Project Lead
- HBKS – Saar University of Fine Arts
- Lusófona University
- NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- UAAV – University of Applied Arts Vienna
European Networks
- ECBN – European Creative Business Network
- ECHN – European Creative Hubs Network
- EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
- MyData Global
Industry Sector Partners
- FAINCE – Fashion Innovation Centre
- SGI – Swedish Games Industry
- YNFT – Screen Skills Committee Sweden
Regional Partners
- CIKE – Creative Industry Košice
- WRS – The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation
Quality Assurance and Training
How can I find out more?
Follow MyData Global Twitter and LinkedIn channels and subscribe to our newsletter for more updates about the project.
For more information about our previous work on skills data, see MyData #skillsdata thematic group.
Visit the project website at https://cyanotypes.website/
Check out the upcoming events https://cyanotypes.website/events/
Follow the project on social media:
- https://www.facebook.com/Cyanotypes.fb/
- https://twitter.com/Cyanotypes_
- https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/cyanotypes/
- https://www.instagram.com/cyanotypes.ig/
Contact information
Carlos Iglesias – carlos.iglesias@mydata.org
MyData Global – Projects Lead
CYANOTYPES is part of Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme.

NextGen aims to build novel and synergistic tools for genome-centric multimodal data integration in personalised cardiovascular medicine.
What is it about?
The EU Horizon “NextGen” project, under the European Health and Digital Agency (HADEA), is run through an international collaboration of clinical research organisations, universities, SMEs, professional associations, and representative organisations of civil society. It aims to develop the next-generation tools for genome-centric multimodal data integration in personalised cardiovascular medicine.
What is MyData’s role in it?
MyData Global wants to bring a human-centric approach to data management and governance into the NextGen project. We are contributing to three main tasks:
- To participate in the Regulatory, Ethics, and Governance Board and develop frameworks for data governance that are compatible with key reference EU initiatives, such as European Health Data Space (EHDS) and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
- To facilitate broader engagement and exploitation with key stakeholders, establishing relationships and co-development strategies with other EU initiatives and projects.
- To contribute to the development of communications and dissemination strategies to reach target audiences and stakeholders, including policy-makers.
What will it achieve?
NextGen aims to develop ways to process huge amounts of individual health data to support personalised care of heart diseases. The work will complement the 1+ Million Genomes initiative, which aims to enable secure access to genomics and clinical data across Europe, and the European Health Data Space, a European Commission governance framework for the safe and secure exchange, use and reuse of health data.
Consortium members will develop novel tools to merge different types of data in a secure way that upholds individual privacy and allows the information to be used in research. The effectiveness of the methods for removing current barriers to data integration in cardiovascular diseases will be demonstrated in real-world pilot studies.
Who else is involved?
The NextGen consortium brings together 21 organisations:
- Utrecht University Medical Center (NL)
- Karolinska Institute (SE)
- Earlham Institute(UK)
- Wellspan Health (USA)
- Queen Mary University of London (UK)
- Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana(CH)
- Göthe Universitat Frankfurt (DE)
- HUS (FI)
- University of Virginia (USA)
- Technical University Münich (DE)
- European Society of Cardiology (FR)
- Human Colossus Foundation (CH)
- HL7 International Foundation (BE)
- HIRO Microdatacenters B.V. (NL)
- Drug Information Association (CH)
- DPO Associate Sarl (CH)
- MyData Global (FI)
- DataPower Srl (IT)
- LiKE Healthcare Research Gmbh (DE)
How can I find out more?
Follow MyData Global’s Twitter and LinkedIn channels and subscribe to our newsletter for more updates about the project.
For more information about our work on health data, join MyData Slack channel #health-data.
Visit the project website at https://www.nextgentools.eu/
Contact information
Carlos Iglesias – carlos.iglesias@mydata.org
MyData Global – Projects Lead
NextGen has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136962. The project is also funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant numbers 10104323 and 10098097], and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

Collaboration with members on project proposals
In our effort to improve our support and collaboration with MyData members, MyData Global actively pursues opportunities for collaborative project and proposal development with members as partners. Below are links to open opportunities and deadlines for expressions of interest.
- R&D opportunity: Open payments in human-centric data services and platforms (EoI deadline October 9)
About MyData Global’s approach to collaborative fundraising
MyData Global shares opportunities to collaborate on proposals and grants that support MyData Global’s core mission and also include a technology or business development component that might be a good fit for MyData members, including market research, product development, piloting or user testing. This is pilot effort, that we are testing out in order to help MyData members to bring their technical solutions to life, to demonstrate the viability of human centric technology solutions and business models, and to secure funding that can be used to strengthen MyData Global’s core support to its members.
All relevant opportunities we post here will be shared broadly in MyData communications, and all MyData members are invited to send expressions of interest. Pattern selection will be based on best fit with opportunity specifics and MyData’s mission. Application application and implementation process will be transparent, while respecting the IPR, trade secrets, and other reasonable and legal confidentiality requirements of partners.
MyData Global will coordinate development and submission of applications and take formal and legal responsibility for their coordination, but partners will play an active role in developing applications and implementing projects. MyData Global will pursue funding opportunities with a minimum of €50,000 allocated to research and community support by MyData Global.
Questions and comments are welcome, and can be sent to hello@mydata.org.
Past projects

Data Spaces for Skills
The Data Space for Skills (DS4Skills) paves the way for the development of an open and secure ecosystem of trusted skills data space that supports the sharing and accessing of skills data.
What is it about?
Data is an essential resource for socio-economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, and societal progress. The European skills data space supports the sharing and accessing of education and skills data for various purposes such as data-driven policy development, re-use in innovative applications, or update of education and training programmes with emerging skills needs.
Today, information about skills, educational profiles, job offers, and training offers is scattered and siloed across a wide range of public and private stakeholders, such as educational institutions, private training providers, employers, EdTech, job boards, and social networks. The fragmentation of available skills data makes it difficult to seize opportunities at individual, organisational, and societal levels. The European skills data space wants to allow all stakeholders to join a common data sharing network to surpass silos and build innovative applications and uses of data.
The DS4Skills project also contributes to the implementation of major EU strategies and policy frameworks related to common Europe and data spaces and skills.
What is MyData’s role in it?
The project builds on and scales the extensive work MyData Global has done on the topic of human-centric personal data in the domain of skills data.
As a project partner in the DS4Skills Consortium, MyData Global leads a work package that delivers the blueprint for the set-up and the future deployment of the data space for skills. This means working on business models, technical aspects and governance mechanisms which become the base for the skills data space. Importantly, we identify and envision innovative applications within the skills data space together with various types of stakeholders.
What will it achieve?
DS4Skills mission and main objectives are:
- To identify relevant data sources for the skills data space and stakeholders’ needs.
- To propose conceptual approaches and possible options for the future deployment of the skills data space with an operational blueprint and specific use cases.
To engage and develop consensus with the community of skills stakeholders and data spaces support centre.
Who else is involved?
The DS4Skills consortium brings together 10 full partners and 4 associated partners with solid experience in data ecosystem and community building. The project Consortium includes the following organisations:
Project Partners
- DIGITALEUROPE – Project Lead
- MyData Global
- Chamber of commerce and Industry of Slovenia – CCIS
- Adecco Formazione
- Headai
- Universitaet Koblenz-Landau
- Vastuu Group
- Visions
Associated Partners
How can I find out more?
Follow MyData Global Twitter and LinkedIn channels and subscribe to our newsletter for more updates about the project.
For more information about our previous work on skills data, see MyData #skillsdata thematic group.
Visit the project website at https://www.skillsdataspace.eu/
Explore the Resource Centre at https://www.skillsdataspace.eu/resources/
Check the Interactive inventory of skills data initiatives at https://inventory.skillsdataspace.eu/
Contact information
Carlos Iglesias – carlos.iglesias@mydata.org
MyData Global – Projects Lead
José Martinez-Usero – jose.martinez-usero@digitaleurope.org
DIGITALEUROPE – Senior Project Manager
Diem Tran – diem.tran@digitaleurope.org
DIGITALEUROPE – Project Communications Manager
The Data Spaces for Skills receives funding from the European Union:

Human-Centric Companies and Cities (H3C) project helps companies and cities use personal data to make cities smarter. In the course of this project, MyData Global provided free training and networking opportunities for cities and data-driven companies. This built capacity and helped companies and cities develop services that use personal data ethically.
More info: mydata.org/h3c