This think piece, titled “In this together: combining individual and collective strategies to confront data power” results from discussions between four advocacy organisations, Aapti Institute, Connected by Data, Datasphere initiative […]

This think piece, titled “In this together: combining individual and collective strategies to confront data power” results from discussions between four advocacy organisations, Aapti Institute, Connected by Data, Datasphere initiative […]
The past decade has witnessed a remarkable surge in the influence and capabilities of online platforms, matched by rapid advances in the use of online consumer data to track and […]
“Understanding MyData Operators” focuses on practical aspects of technology and governance to make the operation of infrastructures for personal data easier and more human-centric, with the goal of establishing full […]
The “State of MyData” publication was inspired by the discussions at the MyData Online 2020 Conference, the rigorous work of MyData Global’s local hubs and thematic groups as well as […]
The MyData Dictionary is an articulation of the key data fields an individual would wish/ expect to see in a data-set/ database that is designed to empower them, and which they […]
This generative design tool aims to help teams articulate the value proposition and the description of a concept, solution or use case. It has been designed to engage partners and […]