After the first Personal Information and Management Systems (PIMS) round table held in Brussels in November 2015, the EU PIMS ecosystem has grown in the last year and during the more recent workshops in Paris (March) and Helsinki (September). It now consists of more than 60 different players actively establishing their role in the complexity of the personal information economy landscape.
Building on the previous workshops, this fourth event is being hosted by Digital Catapult and supported by the Personal Data & Trust Network, MesInfo and MyData. This event will:
- Stimulate the sharing of news and updates within the ecosystem
- Develop existing projects and collaborations, including the White Book, Use Case Repository, and Personal Data Receipts
- Help new collaboration between participants to emerge: identifying and mapping available funding streams, either for collaborative R&D or commercial projects, and leveraging European or other funding opportunities
- Kickstart the preparation for the MyData 2017 event
- …and inlcuding anything else relevant that the PIMS community wants to add to the programme!
This workshop is open to all organisations that are taking an active role in the personal data ecosystem, including SMEs that are providing solutions, research institutes, regulatory bodies or not-for profit organisations.
The workshop will run across 15 and 16 December with the main sessions taking place on the second day. The proposed agenda is outlined below and is subject to change. Particularly because we are seeking pitches and proposals from the PIMS community to contribute to the programme. **Refer to asterisked sections below for opportunities for you to contribute.**
Thursday 15 December
12:00-16:30 For those arriving earlier we offer the opportunity to book meeting space at the Digital Catapult Centre to be used for 1-to-1 or small group meetings. We encourage you to use this opportunity to strengthen working relationships with others from the PIMS and personal data and trust community. Room availability is limited so book early.
17:00-19:30 Plenary session:
- 17:00-18:00: Arrival, drinks reception and networking
- 18:00-19:00: MyData 2016 feedback and impressions, and the road to MyData 2017
- 19:00-19:30: Setting the scene: upcoming funding opportunities in the personal data ecosystem. A series of six five-minute pitch presentations describing upcoming funding opportunities. **We welcome pitches from participants willing to share and highlight the initiatives you are aware of or thinking of applying for. Please prepare one slide per funding opportunity including: Opportunity link and deadline; Type: Commercial/EU/UK, RIA/IA/CSA, etc; Topic: a paragraphs summarising it; Expertise required: list of keywords)**
Friday 16 December
9:30-10:00 Arrival and refreshments
10:00-11:00 Who is Who? A one-minute introduction of you to the PIMS community. Short introduction and description of the day’s four sessions to help participants to select those to join.
11:00-13:00 Parallel sessions:
- Session 1: PIMS White Book: current state, next steps, responsibilities assignment (Chair, Antti Jogi Poikola)
- Session 2: Funding landscape and collaboration workshop: leveraging on Thursday’s pitch presentations of existing funding opportunities, this session will be organised as a participatory workshop where participants will work together in order to map available funding streams, identify gaps and develop recommendations for relevant stakeholders. Participants will also work on activities to get to know each other, their business, their interest, develop a value proposition for given funding opportunities, and eventually identify possible consortia for further collaboration (Chairs, Michele Nati and Robert Guinness)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Parallel sessions:
- Session 3: EU personal data ecosystems: Presentation of existing ‘PIMS-like’ pilots and initiatives, current use cases and involved stakeholders, and feedback on the ground in Europe. A number of initiatives will be presented, and afterwards participants will be organised at tables to discuss possible collaboration depending on the initiative they are interested in and willing to contribute to. **We are seeking presenters willing to promote a national initiative that they are currently involved in and looking for additional collaboration and support for. Case studies to include: Finland, France, UK, Estonia, (TBC).(Chair, Lucie Burgess)
- Session 4: Should the PIMS community get organised?: This session will kick off a discussion about how the interactions among the PIMS community, which started in Brussels a year ago, should evolve in its collective goals and ways of working. The goal is not to reach conclusions immediately, but rather create a process that could allow to make initial decisions during our next meetings in the spring (Chair, Daniel Kaplan). The session will focus on five questions:
- Why? What benefits could we expect from organising the PIMS community?
- Principles? Around which small core of principles would we gather?
- Who? What is the perimeter of the community?
- How? What could an effort at organising our community look like?
- Now what? Next steps
16:00-17:00 Plenary – Summary of the day
- 10 minutes feedback from each session
- 5th PIMS Workshop location
- AoB