This workshop will explore the current state of tools and practices for managing consent online, where those approaches fall short, and how we might rethink consent for better services and people’s digital empowerment. Presentations will share insights from a JRC mapping of consent management solutions, from a city perspective, a report on consent-based service delivery […]
Thematic Networking: AI and Human-Centric Data
Join Our Thematic Networking Meeting! A great opportunity for MyData members to share ideas, explore new opportunities, foster collaboration, and strengthen their projects. This session will feature a special presentation by Virginia Ghiara, Research Manager at Fujitsu Research of Europe, followed by lightening presentations by five MyData members doing innovative work with AI, and an […]
What’s next for the DGA and EU data regulation? Debrief and discussion from the EDIB
MyData Operators group open meeting for MyData Global membersRecording and presentations available on the Members Resources Board The Data Governance Act entered into force in September 2023, and has been marked by ambiguity, limited adoption by Member States, and uncertainty among organisations interested in providing data intermediation services such as the ones specified in the DGA. The European Data Innovation Board (EDIB) discussed […]
Explainer Webinar: Insights and tactics for raising early capital
Recording and presentations available on the Members Resources Board. This explainer talk will explore tactics and hacks for securing early fund financing for technology projects and platforms, including angel, pre-seed, and seed funding.Yngvi Karlson, founder of the personal AI, Kin, and the Copenhagen-based Morph Capital, will share reflections from over a decade of hands-on experience, including: […]
Making Sense of Wallets 2: Anticipating Public Sector Demand
This workshop will explore the needs that public sector agencies will need to address in order to implement and comply with eIDAS 2.0, and what kinds of identity and wallet platforms and services they will likely seek to procure. The workshop will begin with presentations from three public sector agencies regarding anticipated needs and priorities, […]
MyData Workshop: Portability tool testing for DMA compliance
The Digital Markets Act (DMA) requires big tech “gatekeepers” to provide real-time data portability tools, but what has been offered so far doesn't give users meaningful access or control. Join us to test these tools and push for real improvements and accountability on September 25. The DMA is potentially game-changing; let’s ensure consumer control and […]