H3C training programme
MyData Global’s Human-Centric Companies and Cities (H3C) project helps companies and cities use personal data to make cities smarter.
This training course introduces the building blocks for developing human-centric solutions based on personal data. You will learn why this is important in the first place, and develop new know-how for competing fairly (!) in the digital economy today, and in the future.
You will go through a set of five online trainings – each providing you the necessary tools and concrete examples that will guide your work in the long run. Consider this as a journey – you have the chance to put the gathered insights into practice with your team and iterate further as the training programme continues.
Participation in H3C trainings is free of charge.

Who’s it for?
Companies that realise that fair and sustainable use of personal data is THE way to create successful solutions and services locally and internationally. This course is for teams that are working on smart city and smart mobility solutions and understand that innovative solutions emerge from collaboration across business, legal, tech and societal perspectives. Hence, this course will support you and your diverse team to find common understanding across these perspectives and develop new, human-centric, service concepts.
Time commitment
4-5 hours per month
The training is delivered in two batches:
- First batch: October 2021 – April 2022
- Second batch: December 2021 – June 2022
See detailed schedule below.
15 companies per batch
Space is limited, and registrations will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

Training modules
The Basics
1. What is MyData and what’s in it for my company?
Human-centric personal data solutions in context and it’s business, legal, tech and societal perspectives
Trainer: Gülsen Güler, Civic Software Foundation, MyData Literacy thematic group
2. Money makes the world go round” – how to do it ethically and fairly?
Ethics, trust, and transparency as competitive advantage.
Trainer: Liesbeth Hijink, InnoValor
3. Service design (across the ecosystem) done MyData way
– putting the human to the centre.
Trainer: Paula Bello, MyData Design thematic group
The deep-dive
Choose between 4a or 4b
4a. Standards, governance mechanisms & infrastructure
What standards, governance mechanisms & infrastructure are needed for successful and sustainable data sharing across ecosystems?
Batch 1: Oct 2021 – April 2022
Trainer: Viivi Lähteenoja, MyData Global
4b. Navigating through the legal landscape
Navigating through the legal landscape (incl local, EU, global) and finding enabling mechanisms
Batch 2: December 2021 – June 2022
Trainer: Olli Pitkänen, 1001 Lakes
5. All eyes on business models
– improving your blueprint for creating and capturing value from services or products.
Trainer: Liesbeth Hijink, Innovalor
Physical networking events
In addition, you’re invited to at least two physical events where you will have the chance to workshop on service development and ecosystems mapping and network with other companies and public sector stakeholders.
This is a place to develop partnerships for working on human-centric solutions together!
Read more about the format
The training includes five 2-hour sessions (one session / month). There will be two batches – one starting in November, the other in January. You can choose the batch you want to join. Additionally, there will be two learning circles, consultations and networking events delivered by MyData Global’s and other experts.
Our team is well versed in human-centric design and balancing the differing business, legal, technical, and societal considerations when creating products and services.
You will become part of a professional network with your fellow city administration and company colleagues, with whom we will facilitate discussion and troubleshooting.
Session details | First batch | Second batch |
Kickoff event for the training programme | 27 Oct, 13:00-16:30 (EET) | 13 Jan 2022, 13:00-16:30 (EET) |
#1 TRAINING What is MyData? Human-centric personal data solutions in context and it’s business, legal, tech and societal perspectives. | 10 NOV, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) | 27 JAN, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) |
#2 TRAINING “Money makes the world go round” – how to do it ethically and fairly? Ethics, trust, and transparency as competitive advantage. | 1 DEC, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) | 10 FEB, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) |
#3 TRAINING Service design (across the ecosystem) done MyData way – putting the human to the centre. | 12 JAN, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) | 10 MAR, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) |
#4a TRAINING Data sharing across ecosystems: Standards, infrastructure, and governance and what they mean for your company and service(s) | 2 FEB, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) | (this training is only available for the 1st batch) |
#4b TRAINING Navigating through the legal landscape (incl local, EU, global) and finding enabling mechanisms | (this training is only available for the 2nd batch) | 14 APR, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) |
#5 TRAINING All eyes on business models – improving your blueprint for creating and capturing value from services or products. | 2 MAR, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) | 12 MAY, 9:00-11:00 AM (EET) |
Final physical meeting | 6 APR | 22 JUN |
H3C project project is co-funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council from the sum allocated for improving sustainable growth and vitality in the regions (Alueiden kestävän kasvun ja elinvoiman tukeminen -rahoitus).