Past MyData events
Browse our archive of events from 2015 – October 2024.
For events in 2024 and beyond, please go here.
Thematic Networking: AI and Human-Centric Data

Join Our Thematic Networking Meeting!
A great opportunity for MyData members to share ideas, explore new opportunities, foster collaboration, and strengthen their projects. This session will feature a special presentation by Virginia Ghiara, Research Manager at Fujitsu Research of Europe, followed by lightening presentations by five MyData members doing innovative work with AI, and an open networking session.

Virginia Ghiara
Research Manager, Fujitsu
Background materials:
Virginia Ghiara will give an introductory presentation entitled “AI and Personal Data: Unpacking Ethical Challenges. The below materials are suggested by Ghiara to become familiar with the topic ahead of time.
- A report and linked blog from the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.
- Generative AI and Data Protection
- Evaluating Privacy Leakage and Memorization Attacks on Large Language Models (LLMs) in Generative AI Applications
- From ChatGPT to ThreatGPT: Impact of Generative AI in Cybersecurity and Privacy
- The AI incident database, where it’s possible to find several examples of ethical incidents related to personal data.
10 min expert introduction
20 min of lightning presentations and open discussion
20 min of deep dive group discussions
Get Involved!
Any MyData Global member can sign up to give a lightning presentation or lead a group discussion. We capture key action points and innovative ideas, which are then shared with all participants after the meeting.
Become a MyData Member

This is a members-only event. Not a member yet? You can become a member easily today to unlock all member benefits! Join all bi-weekly members-only events, more events focusing on consent management, mobility data, and anti-trust are coming up soon. Also, We also curate opportunities and resources exclusive to MyData members every week, including links to funding, training, job opportunities, and event materials and recordings (member login required)
*Featured image generated with Copilot AI.
Deep Dive Workshop: Consent Management Solutions, current practice and better alternatives

This workshop will explore the current state of tools and practices for managing consent online, where those approaches fall short, and how we might rethink consent for better services and people’s digital empowerment. Presentations will share insights from a JRC mapping of consent management solutions, from a city perspective, a report on consent-based service delivery from the Cities Coalition from Digital Rights, and from an ISO proposal for interoperable notice and consent records. Three presentations will be followed by an open discussion.

Viivi Lähteenoja
Senior Advisor, MyData Global; Senior Data Strategist, 1001 Lakes

Wilhelmiina Griep
Development Manager, City of Espoo

Mark Lizar
Executive Director at Global Privacy Rights Company
Consultant at the 0PN Transparency Lab
Get familiar with the materials before the event.
- JRC report: The landscape of consent management tools – a data altruism perspective
- MyData – More personalised services (video by City of Espoo)
- MyData Task Force Report: Consent-based services, what’s in it for cities?
This is a member-only event. Not a member yet? You can become a member easily today to unlock all member benefits!
Become a MyData Member

Join all bi-weekly members-only events, more events focusing on consent management, mobility data, and anti-trust are coming up soon. Also, We curate opportunities and resources exclusive to MyData members every week, including links to funding, training, job opportunities, and event materials and recordings (member login required)
Explainer Webinar: Insights and tactics for raising early capital

Recording and presentations available on the Members Resources Board.
This explainer talk will explore tactics and hacks for securing early fund financing for technology projects and platforms, including angel, pre-seed, and seed funding.
Yngvi Karlson, founder of the personal AI, Kin, and the Copenhagen-based Morph Capital, will share reflections from over a decade of hands-on experience, including:
- Hard-won lessons from successful (and not-so-successful) fundraising rounds
- Practical rules of thumb for navigating the investment landscape
- Insider tips and tricks for building investor relationships
- Real-world advice on crafting compelling pitches and handling due diligence
This talk goes beyond theory, offering actionable insights for founders and entrepreneurs, especially in the earlier stages of their funding journey. A presentation will be followed by Q&A and open discussion.
About the Speaker
Yngvi Karlson is co-founder of Morph Capital, an early-stage VC based in Copenhagen, and one of the visionary founders behind Kin AI, a personal AI designed to empower individuals in their work lives. Kin is being built to be local-first and prioritize user-controlled data. Yngvi’s unique blend of entrepreneurial success, commitment to ethical technology, and dedication to individual empowerment make this a must-attend session for anyone navigating the complex world of tech startups and funding. You can try out Kin before the talk; visit
Become a MyData Member

This is an event for MyData members. Not a member yet? You can become a member easily today to unlock all member benefits! Join all bi-weekly members-only events, more events focusing on consent management, mobility data, and anti-trust are coming up soon. Also, We curate opportunities and resources exclusive to MyData members every week, including links to funding, training, job opportunities, and event materials and recordings (member login required)
What’s next for the DGA and EU data regulation? Debrief and discussion from the EDIB

MyData Operators group open meeting for MyData Global members
Recording and presentations available on the Members Resources Board
The Data Governance Act entered into force in September 2023, and has been marked by ambiguity, limited adoption by Member States, and uncertainty among organisations interested in providing data intermediation services such as the ones specified in the DGA. The European Data Innovation Board (EDIB) discussed these dynamics with the Member States in their most recent meeting on Sept 12, and also considered upcoming developments in European data regulation as a new Commission takes office.
In this TG meeting, veteran MyData Global supporter and data policy expert Gianfranco Cecconi will provide some updates and insights from the recent EDIB meeting – that he could attend as an observer – with a special focus on the DGA and other issues relevant to personal data intermediary services. A short presentation will be followed by questions and a moderated discussion.
Click the button to join the meeting, no registration is required.
Meeting ID: 843 9869 3561
Passcode: 366781
*featured photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash
Making Sense of Wallets 2: Anticipating Public Sector Demand

This workshop will explore the needs that public sector agencies will need to address in order to implement and comply with eIDAS 2.0, and what kinds of identity and wallet platforms and services they will likely seek to procure. The workshop will begin with presentations from three public sector agencies regarding anticipated needs and priorities, followed by a structured conversation with MyData Global members who provide or are developing relevant solutions.
This workshop builds on the June explainer webinar on eIDAS, which highlighted the demand for anticipating the ecosystems and business models that will enable EUID wallets and other digital wallets to empower individuals and consumers.
MyData Global co-organises this workshop with MyData Netherlands Hub and our organisational member InnoValor. The workshop is open to all members of MyData Global and MyData Netherlands Hub.
Register now to reserve a spot or get in touch for more information (hello at
MyData Workshop: Portability tool testing for DMA compliance

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) requires big tech “gatekeepers” to provide real-time data portability tools, but what has been offered so far doesn’t give users meaningful access or control. Join us to test these tools and push for real improvements and accountability on September 25. The DMA is potentially game-changing; let’s ensure consumer control and compliance!
This workshop will begin with a brief presentation before discussing how to coordinate and maximize the impact of our review. For background, please see the blog post here.
This workshop is free of charge and open to everyone interested in data portability. Registration is required, after registration, you will receive a link to join the workshop.
MyData Global Extraordinary General Meeting 2024

The Extraordinary General Meeting 2024 will take place online on 18 September 2024 at 12.00 UTC+0. The general meeting is open to all, while only MyData Global membership are entitled to vote during the meeting.
Time: 18 September 2024, at 12.00 UTC+0.
- See your local time here
- Add to your calendar here
Online meeting: The general meetings are held ‘online first’ in Zoom.
No registration: No prior registration is needed. The link and password to join the Zoom call will be sent to all members before the meeting.
Voting codes: All members in good standing as of 18 August 2024 will receive their voting code via email before the meeting.
The meeting is organised according to the association’s bylaws. Voting codes will be sent no later than 24 hours before the general meeting to those members who are in good standing 30 days before the general meeting.
The detailed agenda and all materials can be found at
1. Opening the general meeting
2. Calling the meeting to order
2.1. Chair
2.2. Secretary, Tellers and Examiners of the minutes and other roles
2.3 Notice and attendees present in the meeting
3. Approving the agenda for the meeting
4. Membership value proposition and fee structure
5. Board election
5.1 Opening the board election
5.2 Resuming the meeting election results
6. Any other business
6.1 Finnish Legal limitations to the membership’s mandate to void the Board’s day-to-day management of the association
6.2 MyData Awards
6.3 MyData 2025 Conference
6.4 Networking reminder
7. Closing the meeting
Online participation: The password to join the Zoom call and voting codes will be sent to all members in good standing as of 18 August 2024.
General best practices:
Please keep your microphone muted by default to avoid potential sound issues.
The meeting is moderated by the Chair of the Board of MyData Global.
If you’d like to make a comment or proposal, please indicate this by raising your hand in Zoom
NB. If you are dialled into the meeting using a phone number, you will not be able to raise your hand or participate in indicative voting.
More discussions on the agenda take place in our Slack (join here), at the #general-meeting channel. Welcome!
#MyData4children brunch meetup

Welome to the #MyData4Children brunch and workshop on September 19, 2024. 9-11 AM at Maria 01 (Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Building 3, Urban3 space on 2nd floor)
Further, we’d like to invite you to take part in the online part of SitraLab 6 – Datalla parempia palveluita final event, September 19, 2024 from 3-5 PM. Feel free to invite a collegue!
We have taken are part in The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra’s Data Lab program for novel data-driven services, with a team and concept called EDWARD, a data-driven service for families to cultivate a child’s lifelong learning path. As the Sitra Lab program is ending on September 19, we thought we would use the day to gather together a larger group of actors to engage together, not so much on EDWARD, but more broadly on the topic of children, parenthood and data.
About MyData4Childen – thematic group
The mission of the MyData4Children, a thematic group of MyData Global, is to protect, empower and inspire families as they construct their digital worlds and their future.
The goal of this meetings is to understand what others interested in this topic are currently doing and to identify how we might work together, for example in:
– joint projects
– joint funding
– joint advocacy
– other community-building
About EDWARD – data-driven service for families
EDWARD is a data-driven service for families to cultivate a child’s life-long learning path. It follows MyData principles, with the family as the point of integration for the data. EDWARD manages the child’s data and provides families with actionable insights to prepare for the future. One might say that the EDWARD service is the “OURA ring for life-long learning”, starting from the very beginning of life. Our service is named after our key stakeholder Edward, to always remind us why and for whom we are doing this.
We are piloting a prototype with schools in Helsinki and Dublin – and are looking for allies and partners like yourself!
What’s next?
What next
Sign up for the brunch by accepting the LinkedIn invite.
Sign up for the afternoon Sitra online event here.
Anu, Harri, Paula, Tiina & Teemu
Making Sense of Digital Wallets: the eIDAS update and what it means for human-centric data

Join our explainer webinar at 1-2:30 pm CEST, on June 24th.
Earlier this year, the European Commission adopted EIDAS 2.0, which updates the 2014 regulation on Electronic Identification, Authentication, and Trust Services. Among other things, the update refines the rules for qualified trust service providers and establishes the EUDI wallet. This comes in the context of the increasing adoption of open wallet standards and has potentially huge implications for organisations offering human-centric data solutions.
This webinar will introduce and explain eIDAS 2.0 and explore key questions about what it means for human-centric solution providers. The last 45 minutes will be a closed Q/A session for MyData members to explore deep-dive issues together with eIDAS experts. A detailed agenda will be shared ahead of time.