“Understanding MyData Operators” focuses on practical aspects of technology and governance to make the operation of infrastructures for personal data easier and more human-centric, with the goal of establishing full […]

“Understanding MyData Operators” focuses on practical aspects of technology and governance to make the operation of infrastructures for personal data easier and more human-centric, with the goal of establishing full […]
The “State of MyData” publication was inspired by the discussions at the MyData Online 2020 Conference, the rigorous work of MyData Global’s local hubs and thematic groups as well as […]
“The Future of Work & Skills” white paper summarises the learnings and the potential that has been identified from the MyData Accelerator for Work & Skills project, coordinated by The […]
This is the third, updated and translated English edition of the MyData White Paper, implemented by MyData Global association and funded by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland. The […]
· korean
마이데이터 코리아허브는 비영리 글로벌조직인 마이데이터 글로벌(MyData Global)의 한국 지부이자 협회입니다. 마이데이터 코리아허브는마이데이터 글로벌이 추진하는 마이데이터 운동에 활발히 참여하면서, 한국 마이데이터 산업 및 제도 발전을 적극적으로 지원하고 있습니다.
Este livro branco apresenta a estrutura, princípios e um modelo para uma abordagem de gestão e processamento de informações pessoais centrada no ser humano. A abordagem – definida como MyData […]