Human-Centric Companies and Cities (H3C)
MyData Global’s Human-Centric Companies and Cities (H3C) project helps companies and cities use personal data to make cities smarter.
MyData Global is providing free training and networking opportunities for cities and data-driven companies. This will build capacity and help companies and cities develop services that use personal data ethically.

Upcoming activities

Welcome to the online Learning Circle on the Minimal Interoperability Standard 4 (MIM-4): Towards Interoperable Personal Data Management within Smart Cities
4 October – 22 November 2022, online, free
Provided by Vastuu Group & H3C project
What is all about
The project is intended for companies that want to achieve a competitive edge by exploring how public-private partnerships can successfully use personal data to make cities smarter.
You will learn about business models, compliance with complex regulatory regimes, standards, and governance mechanisms. You will be connected with EU funding opportunities, and you will learn how to build successful partnerships with companies and cities. After the training, your company will be well-positioned to capitalise on the growing smart city and human-centric personal data trend in Finland and abroad.

Build Capacity
Trainings on personal data business for companies and cities
In-person and online
Free of charge

Business development
Promoting collaboration between companies, cities and stakeholders from Uusimaa Region
Linking solutions, developers, providers and cities
Our services
Training programme
The training programme will get companies up to speed with what it takes to create human-centric solutions based on personal data. Five online training sessions will provide companies with examples and tools to aid companies.
Read more here

The consultations will support companies interested in developing capacities in the area of human-centric personal data management as part of their business development plans.
Read more here

Networking events
The networking events will bring together representatives from companies and cities, interested in human-centric personal data management and sharing.
The events are organised monthly, both physically and online, and aim to accelerate the business opportunities in the Uusimaa region.
Each meeting will be dedicated to a specific topic and/or cooperation issue, and will be focused on matching the participants for collaboration and joined projects.
Time commitment: 0 – 2 hours per month
- First physical meeting on 23 September 2021
- Other meetings in the monthly intervals starting in October 2021
Capacity: 50-80 participants

Rulebook learning circle
The OmaData rulebook allows data to be shared more freely, transparently and safely, between people, cities and businesses. The learning circle describes this in practice – and how can companies get started to utilise data from various sources (incl. cities and other businesses).
Read also the blog post Rulebook overcomes the lack of trust in data sharing.
Who’s it for? Experts at companies and cities (e.g. Data Protection Officers or Data management professionals), who want to make sure the legal frameworks for using data are in place and efficient.
Time commitment: Approximately 4 x 2 hour sessions and some exercises (0-2 hours) in-between sessions to make learning applicable in own organisation
Timeline: Nov 2021 – Feb 2022
Capacity: 15 people / 6 organisations

Interoperability standards learning circle
The Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (or MIMs), are a set of practical technical capabilities based on open technical specifications that allow cities and communities to replicate and scale solutions globally. MIMs provide the technical foundation for procurement and deployment of urban data platforms and end-to-end solutions in cities & communities worldwide. The Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC) network has recently developed, with the lead of the City of Helsinki, MIM4, a standard specifically on personal data in the cities.
The learning circle will get into the details of the MIM4, with the goal that companies and cities build solutions that are interoperable and scalable – a solution based on MIM4 and in use in Helsinki, would be more easily replicated in other cities that adopt MIM4.
Time commitment: 4 x 3-hour sessions and some exercises (0-2 hours)
Timeline: Oct – Nov 2022
Capacity: 15 people / 6 organisations
Read more and register at

EU funding
The aim of this working group is to provide the platform for cooperation between the companies and organisations and Uusimaa while enlarging the ecosystem to the whole of Finland and Europe. The partners interested in seeking the EU-funding for the research and development activities, as well as internationalisation will be brought together to work on the application for one of the available fundings, eg. Horizon Europe.
Who’s it for? Companies, cities and other organisations seeking funding for R&D and other activities, interested to collaborate with their counterparts from the other European countries to develop their capacities for fair and sustainable use of personal data.
Time commitment: 1-2 hours a month
Timeline: January – June 2022
Capacity: Unlimited

H3C project project is co-funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council from the sum allocated for improving sustainable growth and vitality in the regions (Alueiden kestävän kasvun ja elinvoiman tukeminen -rahoitus).