Past MyData events
Browse our archive of events from 2015 – October 2024.
For events in 2024 and beyond, please go here.
MyData Awards 2024-25 Launch Event

Welcome to join the launch event of MyData Awards 2024-25 on 13 June! We will announce the new awards programme and discuss how to advance MyData vision with prominent speakers from various areas.
The MyData Awards celebrate organisations and individuals across all sectors of society and business that are making tangible progress towards building a world where individuals control their own data and data about them. The awards will recognise achievements in areas of Business, Technology, Governance and Thought Leadership.
At the launch event, inspiring speakers will discuss the most promising ways in each of these areas can help build a more human-centric world and what needs to happen to advance the MyData vision.
Date and time: 14:00-15:30 CEST, 13 June 2024
Event format: Online Zoom meeting
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 897 8098 6947
Passcode: awards
- Introduction and welcome from a previous MyData Awardee
- domain reflections on the most exciting business, technology, governance, and thought leadership work being done today to give individuals control over their data.
- facilitated conversation with four speakers about how these different domains interact and what needs to happen in 2024 to advance the MyData vision.
- awards programme and nominations process
- discussion and questions
Find out more about the MyData Awards 2024-25 at

Miapetra Kumpula-Natri
Member of the European Parliament
Miapetra is a Finnish MEP, sitting in the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, and in the Committees on International Trade and Constitutional Affairs. She is the head of the Finnish Social Democrats in the European Parliament, and Vice-Chair of the EP’s Delegation to the United States. She has been the European Parliament’s key negotiator on the Wholesale roaming markets regulation and the European Strategy for Data, and for the Group on the Data Governance Act and Data Act. A strong advocate for digital cooperation, she is eager to find sustainable solutions to climate change, and advocates for more investments in research through European cooperation. At the end of this summer, shei will return to the Finnish national parliament. She will be vice–chair of the Grand Committee (Committee of EU Affairs), and the head of the Finnish delegation in Council of Europe.

Alexander Galt
Digital Ethics Leader for Inter IKEA
Alex is the Digital Ethics Leader for Inter IKEA Group with responsibility to develop digital ethics practices across the IKEA value chain. He started working on digital ethics when he was a data scientist for Public Health in the UK, piloting the UK Government Data Ethics Framework. He since wrote his postgraduate thesis on how we can build trust in the use of digital technologies and developed a digital ethics practice within Deloitte Netherlands. Alex is an advocate for responsible AI, participatory data stewardship and digital for social good practices. He has been a signatory to the MyData Declaration since 2020.

Astha Kapoor
Director of the Aapti Institute
Astha is the Co-founder of Aapti Institute, a Bangalore-based research firm that works on the intersection of technology and society. She has over a decade of public policy and strategy consulting experience, with a focus on use of technology for welfare. Astha leads research and test new methods of data sharing, data stewardship and governance. Her recent work is focused on participative governance of data, and its use for building collaborative AI, through collective governance methods such as cooperatives, especially for women. Astha also works on ideas of digital public infrastructure, especially on questions of bottom up governance. Astha is increasingly interested in formations of trust around technology adoption and use, and is leading a two year research study to understand women’s digital trust in India. She’s a member of World Economic Forum Global Future Council on data equity (2023-24), visiting fellow at the Ostrom Workshop (Indiana University). She was also a member of the Think20 taskforce on digital public infrastructure during India’s G20 presidency and is currently a co-chair for the T20 task force on platformisation of government services for the Brazilian G20 presidency. Astha is a two-time TedX speaker, and a Global Governance Futures Fellow 2018-19. Astha’s writing has been published in the Mint, Hindu, Deccan Herald among others. Astha has a bachelors from St Stephens College, Delhi University, and a Masters from Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, Netherlands.

Brian Behlendorf
CTO of OpenWallet Foundation
Brian has dedicated his career to connecting and empowering the Free Software and Open Source community to solve hard technology problems and have a positive societal impact. He has worn many different hats – as a startup company founder, as an advisor to the U.S. government, as a board member at various non-profits and consortia, as a YGL and employee of the World Economic Forum, and as an investor. As CTO of OpenWallet Foundation, he works with his team to weave together the technical and social elements behind the emerging verifiable credentials, payment methods, and digital asset functions of modern digital wallets.
Contact Information:
Please contact Alex Bowyer, Senior Technical Specialist ( or Christopher Wilson (
The Role of Trusted Data Intermediaries for Enhancing Agency and Control in the Age of AI – workshop at CPDP Conference 2024

MyData Global and OECD co-organise this workshop at the upcoming CPDP Conference 2024 in Brussels. This workshop builds on a survey conducted with MyData Global Community, collecting input on the activities and challenges faced by human-centric data intermediary services, and an online roundtable held with the OECD Trusted Data Intermediaries Task Force on April 26, 2024.
Our executive director Christopher Wilson will be joined by Christian Reimsbach Kounatze & Ashwinee Kumar (OECD) to discuss:
- The growing importance of trusted data intermediaries (TDIs), including personal data stores (PDS), for enhancing individual agency and data control in the age of AI on a global scale.
- Potentials, challenges and uncertainties of TDI’s on legal, operational and business level.
Key takeaways
- Understanding TDIs: purpose and limitations, potentials and pitfalls
- Contributing to ongoing OECD work on TDI and data governance, privacy and AI
- More info here.
Thanks to our co-facilitators and devoted members: Iain Henderson (DATAPAL), Ferdinand Burgersdijk (fairsfair foundation), and Paula Bello for contributing to the workshop!
Date, time, and location: THURSDAY 23rd May 2024, 8:45-10:00 am at Music Room Workshop
Christopher will also join a panel discussion – “AI in the Urban Landscape: Navigating Data Governance with Multiple Stakeholders”, please see more info here.
We look forward to meeting you at the conference for meaningful discussions.
Human-centric health data operators & solutions / May edition

The next event features collaborative discussion on the value of MyData intermediaries, tools to realize value for patients (digital wallet, virtual assistant, AI tools, etc.) and case presentations from Sverre Sundsdal of and Elfi Goesaert of WeAre.
This series of monthly meetings and a parallel writing process aim at showcasing and describing the role of MyData operators with regard to health data and the European Health Data Space. As an end-product, we envision a white paper on health data operators.
If you want to see the previous events or want to know more, please contact /, or visit the Slack #health-data channel.
Human-centric Health Data Operators and Solutions / April edition

This event has more non-European perspectives than the previous events, with Jim St. Clair, Berrin Serdar and Elfi Goesart presenting.
This series of monthly meetings and a parallel writing process aim at showcasing and describing the role of MyData operators with regard to health data and the European health data space. As an end-product, we envision a white paper on health data operators to be published in Q4/2024.
If you missed the March event, you can watch the recording here.
If you want to know more, please contact and(or, or through the Slack #health-data channel.
Operators community meeting: Interoperability

On Thursday 28th March, we will be holding the monthly operators community meeting, with a focus on interoperability. This free Zoom event is open to all.
Speakers will include:
- Yan Minagawa of talking about how the Matrix protocol is used in the public sector in Germany
- David Alexander of Mydex CIC talking about their work in real-world interoperability in the UK.
- Iain Henderson of DataPal and JLINC Labs with a functioning demo of how customer-controlled personal data can be used in Salesforce via the JLINC protocol.
There will be a Q&A and discussion with the speakers afterwards.
We have sent invites to our operators mailing lists – If you have any questions or would like to request an invite please contact
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We hope you will join us. Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested.
Spring General Meeting 2024

The Spring General Meeting 2024 will take place online on 27 March 2024 at 13.00 UTC+0. The general meeting is open to all, while only MyData Global membership are entitled to vote during the meeting.
Time: 27 March 2024, at 13.00 UTC+0.
- See your local time here
- Add to your calendar here
Online meeting: The general meetings are held ‘online first’ in Zoom.
No registration: No prior registration is needed. The link and password to join the Zoom call will be sent to all members before the meeting.
Voting codes: All members in good standing as of 26 February 2024 will receive their voting code via email before the meeting.
The meeting is organised according to the association’s bylaws. Voting codes will be sent no later than 24 hours before the general meeting to those members who are in good standing 30 days before the general meeting.
The meeting agenda consists of the points mandated by bylaws Section 10.4 “Agenda for General Meetings”, possible proposed amendments to bylaws and other issues that members want to raise to be discussed.
The detailed agenda and all materials can be found at
1. Opening the general meeting
2. Calling the meeting to order
2.1. Chair
2.2. Secretary, Tellers and Examiners of the minutes and other roles
2.3. Notice and attendees present in the meeting
3. Approving the agenda for the meeting
4. Governance Reforms
5. Bylaws amendments
5.1. Amendment to Section 10.5 Voting in General Meetings
5.2. Governance Reforms requiring amendment to bylaws
5.3. Finnish translation of the bylaws
6. Internal Regulations
6.1 Internal regulations for the Board and specific Board roles
7. Mandatory tasks of the spring general meeting
7.1. Presentation of the annual report by the Board
7.2. Presentation of the performance report by the Steering Committee
7.3. Presentation and approval of financial reports and relief of responsibility
8. Any other business
9. Closing the meeting
Online participation: The password to join the Zoom call and voting codes will be sent to all members in good standing as of 26 February 2024 before the meeting.
General best practices:
- Please keep your microphone muted by default to avoid potential sound issues.
- The meeting is moderated by the Chair.
- If you’d like to make a comment or proposal, please indicate this by raising your hand in Zoom
- NB. If you are dialled into the meeting using a phone number, you will not be able to raise your hand or participate in indicative voting.
More discussions on the agenda take place in our Slack (join here), at the #general-meeting channel. Welcome!
Data Spaces Symposium 2024

Join the world’s leading event on data spaces! The Data Spaces Symposium is set to reconvene at Darmstadtium, Frankfurt Region this year. Organized by the Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) and the Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA), this symposium is a pivotal gathering for those at the forefront of data space innovation and strategy. It serves as a platform to showcase the latest market-ready use cases, advanced technology solutions for existing and emerging data spaces, and the essential work done by the DSSC in crafting a foundational blueprint for common European data spaces, aligning with the European Data Strategy.
The annual conference of the Data Spaces Support Centre takes place during the Day 3 of the Symposium. Join us to learn about the newly published Blueprint v1.0, and engage with the data space experts and enablers of data space initiatives!
Please visit the official site for the full programme and registration!
Patient-centric Health Data Operators // March event

The next event in the monthly series on patient-centric health data operators & solutions is on March 6, 2024. This event has more non-European perspectives than the previous events.
This series of monthly meetings and a parallel writing process aim to showcase and describe MyData operators’ role with regard to health data and the European health data space. As an end-product, we envision publishing a white paper on health data operators in Q4/2024.
If you missed the February event, you can watch the recording here (password: xe+PL64f)
If you want to know more, please contact and(or, or through the Slack #health-data channel
Tentative agenda on 6 March (TBC)
GMT 2:00 pm – Introduction & status of white paper (Teemu , Isabelle)
GMT 2:10 pm – Discussion: problem and vision (Isabelle, Alex)
* Benefits/ incentives
* Challenges toward implementation
GMT 2:50 pm – Point of view from European Commission on a patient centric EDHS – (Malte Beyer-Katzenberger, EC DG Connect)
GMT 3:00 pm – We Are and SOLID Platform (Elfi Goesaert, VITO)
GMT 3:10 pm – Utilizing MyData for Preventive Healthcare Services. (Kim Naheasal, SNPLab)
GMT 3:20 pm – Conclusion and next steps
MyData Global Town Hall: Governance Reform

This Town Hall will report on collaborative work with the community to refine governance reforms that will be presented for adoption at the March 27 General Meeting.
This collaborative work has taken place in the #governance-reforms slack channel. It has built on the draft reforms that were presented to the 2023 Autumn General Meeting, including this summary presentation and Draft Board Terms of Reference.
The Town Hall will provide a brief progress report, with ample time for discussion and questions. Materials will be circulated in advance.
The meeting invite is sent to all members via email.
Starting from last November, we’ve invited members to discuss on how to strengthen the governance structure to make MyData Global more efficient and impactful. The governance reform focuses on four issues:
- Criteria and profile for recruiting new board members
- Board member terms and elections/appointments
- Accountability mechanisms between the board, staff, and general membership (including mechanisms for removing board members or voiding board decisions)
- Representation and empowerment of regional hubs