Past MyData events
Browse our archive of events from 2015 – October 2024.
For events in 2024 and beyond, please go here.
Patient-centric health data operators: delivering solutions that empower patients to be in control of their data

Let’s build on the good energy of the Connecting MyData Champions – health and wellness (held in Dec 2023). Based on the event and discussions, there is clearly a need to act more – and thus we invite you to meet monthly in 2024!
WHY: join forces to ensure patients’ and citizen’s voices concerning health data are heard
WHAT: shape the vision described in the individual-centric EHDS (European Health Data Space) blog post into CONCRETE PROPOSALS that
(1) each of us can use to support their own organisation,
(2) we can use as a community to influence regulators and
(3) can form the basis of funding to develop solutions.
WHEN: once 1 month, first Wednesday of the month, from 16:00to 17:30 EET
HOW: The agenda of the first meeting on Feb 7, 2024
- introduction of participants
- agreement on objectives and the way forward
- discussion of producing a white paper
If you’d like to know more, please contact:
– Isabelle de Zegher
– Teemu Ropponen
The best way to engage is via MyData Slack / #health-data channel
Join the Slack at –
The collective impact of children’s data

MYDATA4CHILDREN invites EVERYONE to our first ever co-created ZINE!
We have a very important mission (protect, empower and inspire children) but it is an extremely challenging one. Children’s data is a difficult and sensitive subject, often loaded with negativity or disempowering messages. The discussion is mainly focused on the effect of data on the individual child. With this workshop, we want to explore the collective impact of children’s data and gather ideas and examples from the real world. We want to inspire others to take action!
Thus, the idea is to create a zine that is very visual and easy to read to facilitate the engagement with stakeholders, experts, policy makers, developers and business leaders.
We will host two design sprints on January 31 to create the first prototype of MyData4Children’s 2024 Zine.
The prototype will then be refined and polished, with the aim of publishing it in spring 2024.
Everyone is invited to join!
Even if you are not involved with children’s data at the moment, you are welcome to participate and learn what is happening.
When: January 31, 2024.
We want all our friends to join, so we have two sessions to cover the different time zones:
Session 1: 9:00 – 10:30 GMT/UTC
Session 2: 17:00 – 18:30 GMT/UTC
Where: Online
Miro (collaboration tool): (Password: JoinMyData)
Think about what you want to say about the collective impact of children’s data. You will have one opening in the zine to share your thoughts, projects, ideas, calls to action, etc.
Join discussions at the MyData4Children Slack channel. You can contact Dixon or Paula Bello via MyData Slack.
Autumn General Meeting 2023

The Autumn General Meeting 2023 will take place online on 15 November 2023 at 13.00 UTC+0.
The full agenda with background materials can be found at
Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the proposed bylaws amendments, new three-year strategy, 2023 annual plan and budget, and other agenda items before the meeting.
MyData Global is electing its new leadership at the AGM 2023. As the first step in implementing the proposed governance reforms, the AGM will be proposed to elect a Transitional Board to serve from January through June 2024. The Transitional Board will be responsible for recruiting members of the new Board, which will be installed in July 2024.
Details about elections’ timeline, and process as well as information about expected candidates and responsibilities of the Transitional Board can be found at
Time: 15 Nov 2023, at 13.00 UTC+0.
- See your local time here
- Add to your calendar
Online meeting: The general meetings are held ‘online first’.
No registration: No prior registration is needed. The link and password to join the meeting will be sent to all members before the meeting.
Bylaws and voting and elections regulations: The meeting is organised according to the association bylaws.
Agenda and materials: The agenda of the meeting consists of the points mandated by bylaws Section 10.4 “Agenda for General Meetings”, possible proposed amendments to bylaws and other issues that members want to raise to be discussed. The detailed agenda and all materials will be sent to members no later than 7 days before the meeting.
1. Opening the general meeting
2. Calling the meeting to order
2.1. Chair
2.2. Secretary, Tellers and Examiners of the minutes and other roles
2.3 Attendees present in the meeting
3. Approving the agenda for the meeting
4. Governance overhaul: for discussion, not decision
5. Bylaws amendments
5.1. Amendments to Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, 10.4
5.2. Finnish translation of the bylaws
6. Internal regulations
6.1 Internal regulations for transitional board and Steering Committee
7. Mandatory tasks of the autumn general meeting and other related agenda points
7.1 Appointment of auditors
7.2 Compensation for board members and auditors
7.3 Strategy for 2024-2026
7.4 2024 Strategic Work Plan
7.5 2024 Budget
7.6 Membership fees
7.7 Board and Steering Committee elections
7.7.1 Size of the board
7.7.2 Extending the mandate and term of the Steering Committee through June 2024
7.7.3 Opening the board and steering committee elections
7.7.4 Resuming the meeting election results
8. Any other business
8.1 Plans for the MyData awards and conference in 2024: for information
9. Closing the meeting
Online participation: The link to join the online meeting call and voting codes will be sent to all members before the meeting.
General best practices:
- Please keep your microphone muted by default to avoid potential sound issues.
- The meeting is moderated by the Chair.
- If you’d like to make a comment or proposal, please indicate this by raising your hand.
- NB. If you are dialled into the meeting using a phone number, you will not be able to raise your hand or participate in indicative voting.
More discussions on the agenda take place in our Slack (join here), at the #general-meeting channel. Welcome!
Townhall meetings: MyData’s three-year strategy and governance overhaul

MyData Global is in at an exciting inflection point, leveling up for new challenges and ambitions to make it happen and make it right.
To support this, we are proud to share a draft strategy and set of proposals for reforming MyData Global’s board and governance structure. The AGM on 15 November will decide on adopting the strategy and electing a Transitional Board as the first step in the proposed governance reforms.
We invite you to a Townhall meeting on October 16, to discuss and answer questions about the proposed strategy and governance reforms. To accommodate various timezones, we’ll organise two meetings at 7am and 13pm UTC+0.
We’d appreciate it if you could review the following materials before the meeting, so we could keep our presentation concise and prioritise hearing your reflections and answering any questions you may have.
- Strategy consultation document for comments (PDF version)
- Proposed governance reform summary presentation
- Annexes: Terms of Reference and changes to the bylaws of MyData Global
Note: Meeting link will be sent to members via email.

For the first time, the cultural and creative industries are being addressed as an industrial ecosystem. The issue of skills gaps and needs is a critical concern for stakeholders from all corners of the Cultural and Creative Industries Sectors (CCIS). In this context and as a partner of CYANOTYPES, we are proud to launch the first ever CREATIVE SKILLS WEEK gathering strategic-thinkers, policymakers, cultural workers and networks, creative and artistic practitioners together to co-create plans addressing urgent and future skills needs.
Join us at Creative Skills Week 2023 from 10 – 13 October 2023 in Vienna (in person and online). This event is kindly hosted by the University of Applied Art Vienna.
Anticipating Creative Futures
Anticipating Creative Futures is a boundary-breaking programme of activities and actions and the main feature of Creative Skills Week 2023, powered by CYANOTYPES and the European Creative Hubs Network.
MyData Global is contributing to the CYANOTYPES project by promoting data literacy, among other transversal skills, for developing the future skill sets for the culture and creative industry.
Join creative thinkers, CCIS strategists and educators and actively participate in Anticipating Creative Futures workshops and plenaries. Get social at our evening receptions and be part of this growing momentum and fuel a sustainable CCIS ecosystem. Register today for the Anticipating Creative Futures Programme.
Host your own event as part CSW2023
Collaborate, co-create and commune in new, unique and innovative ways – host an event as part of Creative Skills Week 2023!
Interested? Submit your proposal for activities, projects, or events (either in-person or online).
We look forward to welcoming you and your organisation to what promises to be a highlight of the European Year of Skills calendar.
For more information or questions contact us at
We look forward to seeing you!
Connecting MyData Champions

Welcome to the Connecting MyData Champions online event on Oct 3, 2023, at 9AM CEST.
In this event, you will:
- Hear the latest news of MyData Global
- Hear what’s going on in the MyData community
- Hear short pitches from MyData Global members
- Meet new people in a facilitated networking session
The event is primarily for MyData Global members, but they are able to invite
anyone to join as their guests.
Connecting MyData Champions event is part of a new series of online events that feature short presentations from MyData Global member organisations, hubs and thematic groups. In addition to sharing information, these events will help connect people and organisations to relevant activities.
MyData 2023 conference

The most impactful personal data event
MyData 2023 conference is the leading international conference on human-centric personal data management. It will take place in Helsinki, Finland in 2023 again. It is a two-day event with various live sessions and activities. Diverse stakeholders will represent Business, Legal, Tech and Social perspectives to accelerate a fair data economy.
Check out more ticket information – members-only discounts.
*for any booking issues, please contact our events manager Julia H. Liao, julia (at)
Not a member yet?
Join MyData Global as a member now
Call for Proposals open now!
Application: Open from 15 February to 26 March.
Results: April 4
One-third of MyData 2023 conference will be created by you! We will showcase content from the broad community of professionals representing business, legal, tech, and social perspectives.
More info about Call for Proposals.
Seeking Partnership
We are seeking partnerships to make this event successful.
As a partner, you can
- Engage with industry experts and shakers
- Shape the trends in the area of a human-centric data economy
- Co-create our international event
- Demonstrate your thought leadership in practice
- Ignite business partnerships and innovations
In practice, partners get various types of visibility before, during and after the event.
If you are interested in partnering or collaborating, please reach out to Teemu Ropponen, the CEO of MyData Events & Services, teemu (at)
MyData 2023 is organised by MyData Events and Services and supported by MyData Global and our partners.
Spring General Meeting 2023

The Spring General Meeting 2023 will take place online on 24 May 2023 at 12.00 UTC+0. The general meeting is open to all, while only MyData Global membership are entitled to vote during the meeting.
Time: 24 May 2023, at 12.00 UTC+0.
- See your local time here
- Add to your calendar here
Online meeting: The general meetings are held ‘online first’ in Zoom.
No registration: No prior registration is needed. The link and password to join the Zoom call will be sent to all members before the meeting.
Voting codes: All members in good standing as of 24 April 2023 will receive their voting code via email before the meeting.
The meeting is organised according to the association’s bylaws. Voting codes will be sent no later than 24 hours before the general meeting to those members who are in good standing 30 days before the general meeting.
The meeting agenda consists of the points mandated by bylaws Section 10.4 “Agenda for General Meetings”, possible proposed amendments to bylaws and other issues that members want to raise to be discussed.
The detailed agenda and all materials can be found at
- Opening the general meeting
- Calling the meeting to order
- Chair
- Secretary, Tellers and Examiners of the minutes and other roles
- Notice and attendees present in the meeting
- Approving the agenda for the meeting
- Bylaws amendments
- Amendment to bylaw section 10.5 Voting in General Meetings
- Amendment to bylaw section 1.4 Language Policy
- Finnish translation of the bylaws
- Mandates from the previous general meetings
- Budget 2023
- MyData Global’s governance, leadership structure and positions
- Mandatory tasks of the spring general meeting
- Presentation of the annual report by the Board
- Presentation of the performance report by the Steering Committee
- Presentation and approval of financial reports and relief of responsibility
- Any other business
- MyData Global’s 3-year Strategy
- MyData 2023 conference
- Closing the meeting
Online participation: The password to join the Zoom call and voting codes will be sent to all members in good standing as of 24 April 2023 before the meeting.
General best practices:
- Please keep your microphone muted by default to avoid potential sound issues.
- The meeting is moderated by the Chair.
- If you’d like to make a comment or proposal, please indicate this by raising your hand in Zoom
- NB. If you are dialled into the meeting using a phone number, you will not be able to raise your hand or participate in indicative voting.
Any questions? If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Board Chair Viivi Lähteenoja (viivi[at] or Director of operations Sille Sepp (sille[at]
More discussions on the agenda take place in our Slack (join here), at the #general-meeting channel. Welcome!
Announcing MyData Awards 2023

Too often, personal data makes headlines for the wrong reasons. We read about privacy scandals and misuse of data that threatens democracy and digital rights. We know that not all companies or organisations ignore privacy and digital rights. More and more companies realise the benefits of empowering people with their data and helping them gain control over their data.
As part of the Data Spaces Symposium & Deep-Dive Day, MyData Awards 2023 will be announced on 23 March at 11.15 CET. The event takes place in the Hague, Netherlands.
Join the session to learn about regional and national governments’ efforts in developing human-centric digital solutions and ask questions from personal data experts. Further, you’ll meet the people and organisations holding the gold standards for ethical data as “MyData Awards 2023” will be announced.
- Marcello Grita, Swedish Public Employment Agency
- Dorien Bauwens, Digital Flaunders
- Viivi Lähteenoja, MyData Global
- Christopher Wilson, MyData Global
- Host: Sille Sepp, MyData Global