Past MyData events
Browse our archive of events from 2015 – October 2024.
For events in 2024 and beyond, please go here.
Data Spaces Symposium & Deep-Dive Day

Building the future – benefit together
Join us for the largest event on data spaces ever! Hosted by the Center of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (TNO), International Data Spaces Association, the Basic Data Infrastructure network and the Data Spaces Support Centre, boosted by the Data Spaces Business Alliance, organized together with EUHubs4Data and MyData Global – all relevant data sharing initiatives and endeavours at one place.
Following the exciting programme around data spaces, MyData Global will announce the awardees of the MyData Operator 2023 and MyData in Practice 2023 on Day 3 of the event on 23 March.
Please visit the official site for the full programme and registration!
Community meeting – Meet MyData Global leadership 2023

Interested in getting to know MyData Global better? Join us for an online meeting to get to know the leadership team better, including the new board members, Executive Director and other team members.
Moreover, you’ll get the chance to hear about MyData Global’s plans for 2023 and discuss with the team any of your particular interests.
Tentative agenda:
- Welcome
- Introducing – 2023 leadership team
- What’s coming up in 2023
- Updates:
MyData Awards 2023
MyData 2023 conference - Open floor for discussions & short pitches
Launch of the MyData Awards 2023

Too often, personal data makes headlines for the wrong reasons. We read about privacy scandals and misuse of data that threatens democracy and digital rights. We know that not all companies or organisations ignore privacy and digital rights. More and more companies and organisations are realising the benefits of giving people control over their personal data. The MyData Award 2023 recognises and celebrates these human-centric solutions around the world.
Applying companies can either receive the MyData in Practice 2023 status if they provide personal data based services to individuals in line with MyData principles, or the MyData Operators 2023 status it they provide a human-centric infrastructure for using and sharing personal data.
Participate in this insightful webinar to learn about MyData – human-centric approach to personal data, including practical examples from the market. Furthermore, we’ll provide an overview of the awards process and answer any of your questions to support you in your application process.
Tentative agenda:
- Welcome & intro
- What is MyData? (Viivi Lähteenoja, chair of MyData Global board)
- MyData model – focus on operators and data using services (Kai Kuikkaniemi, senior advisor, MyData Global )
- Practical examples
- MyData Awards 2023 process
- Your questions & answers
Slush side event

*This event is free for everyone who is interested in Data Spaces. A slush ticket is not needed.
*Food and drinks are served. Welcome to join us!
Data Spaces, how to mainstream it?
Data Spaces are vital for developing and enhancing data sharing between organisations, people, countries, or communities. However, Data Spaces remain complex projects (governance, technical implementation, etc.) to lead, and only a few are operational today.
How could we find a way to mainstream Data Spaces and make them accessible and easy to use?
Hosts: Emmanuel Aldeguer, CEO of OKP4 & Laura Halenius from Sitra
17:00-17:30 Welcome + Networking
17:30-18:00 Roundtable discussion 1
Governance, The Key to Data Space Success?
- Marine Dechamp-Guillaume, Chief Project Manager, OKP4
- Prof. Marko Turpeinen, CEO, 1001 Lakes
- Viivi Lähteenoja, Chair of the board, MyData Global
18:00-18:45 Roundtable discussion 2:
How to industrialize data space creation?
- Théo Pelliet, Head of Blockchain Ecosystem, OKP4
- Antti Poikola, Senior Lead, Gaia-X Finland
- Markus Taumberger, Line Manager Advance data spaces, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LTD
- Sebastian Kleff, Co-founder and CEO, Sovity
19:00-19:50 Networking
19:50-20:00 Closing speech by Emmanuel Aldeguer, CEO of OKP4

Marine Dechamp-Guillaume is an Agriculture Engineer specialised in innovation and project management. She is Chief Project Manager at OKP4. She has been building Data Spaces projects for 3 years. She coordinates the development of OKP4 protocol in collaboration with the CTO.

Viivi Lähteenoja is a data, policy, and ethics researcher and professional. She has experience working towards human-centric and ethically sound personal data benefits for people and societies in nonprofit, academic, public sector, and private sector organisations. Viivi currently serves as the chair of the board for MyData Global, an international nonprofit organisation for the promotion of fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital societies through the human-centric use of personal data. She is also a Senior data strategist for 1001 Lakes, a Finnish data economy company focusing on supporting companies and governments with consulting, products, and services to use, share, and create value from data. Her academic research at the University of Helsinki and Aalto University is in philosophical ethics and specifically the (ab)uses of personal data.

Prof. Marko Turpeinen has over 25 years of experience as business visionary and international education and innovation leader in digital transformation of industries and network society. He is the Founder and CEO of 1001 Lakes, a company that specializes in enabling fair and trusted data ecosystems. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Aalto University focusing on topics such as digital ethics and power of algorithms.

Sebastian Kleff has involved in Data Sovereignty Technology since more than 7 years.
· Expert in data sharing use cases and its adoption
· Connect business with tech – also at my past experience at Boston Consulting Group
· Was part of International Data Spaces Association founding meeting in 2016
· Over last years become more clear that it requires an easy access to data sovereignty technology
· 2021, founded sovity with the vision to make every company to a frontrunner in data sharing
· My role at sovity: Co-Founder & CEO

Théo Pelliet is Head of Ecosystem at OKP4. He has been involved in blockchain and decentralized governance for 3 years. He leads the strategy for the OKP4 Protocol, aiming to build an open technology that will unlock trust & incentives alignment for sovereign data-sharing ecosystems.

Antti “Jogi” Poikola is an active and networked expert and promoter of the people-oriented data economy in Finland and internationally. As Senior Lead and Data Architecture Specialist in Sitra’s Gaia-X Finland project, Jogi’s work focuses on bringing Finnish expertise into developing the European data spaces. He also works to ensure Finnish data-sharing networks have an up-to-date view of the kinds of technological solutions that are viable and interoperable now and in the future.

Markus Taumberger is Line Manager at VTT and is also Director of the Finnish IDSA Hub. Currently he is coordinating the HEU project RESONANCE and the H2020 project. iFLEX. Earlier he has been the Coordinator of the H2020 project Flex4Grid and FP7 STREP project POBICOS.
How to get to the venue – Urban3?
Location: Urban3 at Maria 01 campus
Address: Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Building 3, 2nd floor, 00180 Helsinki

Contact person: Julia H. Liao, events manager at MyData Events and Services.
Email: julia(at)
The event is co-organized by MyData Global, OKP4, and H3C project: Human-centric companies and cities.
Autumn General Meeting 2022

The Autumn General Meeting 2022 will take place online on 1 November 2022 at 13.00 UTC+0.
As part of the meeting, the elections for the MyData Global board and steering committee take place. All MyData Global individual members are eligible to run for the elections. Find more information at
Time: 1 November 2022, at 13.00 UTC+0.
- See your local time here
- Add to your calendar here
Online meeting: The general meetings are held ‘online first’ in Zoom.
No registration: No prior registration is needed. The link and password to join the Zoom call will be sent to all members before the meeting.
The meeting is organised according to the association bylaws and the voting and elections regulations. The voting codes will be sent no later than 24 hours before the general meeting to those members who are in good standing 30 days before the general meeting.
The meeting agenda consists of the points mandated by bylaws Section 10.4 “Agenda for General Meetings”, possible proposed amendments to bylaws and other issues that members want to raise to be discussed. The detailed agenda and all materials will be sent to members no later than 7 days before the meeting.
Detailed meeting agenda with all materials can be found at
- Opening the general meeting
- Calling the meeting to order
- Chair
- Secretary, Tellers and Examiners of the minutes and other roles
- Notice and attendees present in the meeting
- Approving the agenda for the meeting
- Bylaws amendments
- Amendment to bylaw sections 2.1, 3.1, 4.6, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 8.1, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 11.1, 11.2
- Finnish translation of the bylaws
- Internal regulations
- Amendments to the Association’s Voting and Elections Regulations
- Strategy for the new period
- Mandatory tasks of the autumn general meeting
- Appointment of auditors
- Compensation for Board members and auditors
- Business plan
- Membership fees
- Budget
- Board and steering committee elections
- Size of the board
- Opening the board and Steering committee elections
- Resuming the meeting election results (on 4 Nov)
- Any other business
- Update on the MyData Events and Services Ltd
- Closing the meeting
Online participation: The password to join the Zoom call and voting codes will be sent to all members before the meeting.
General best practices:
- Please keep your microphone muted by default to avoid potential sound issues.
- The meeting is moderated by the Chair.
- If you’d like to make a comment or proposal, please indicate this by raising your hand in Zoom
- NB. If you are dialled into the meeting using a phone number, you will not be able to raise your hand or participate in indicative voting.
Any questions? If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Board Chair Viivi Lähteenoja (viivi[at] or Vice-Chair Antti ‘Jogi’ Poikola (antti.poikola[at]
More discussions on the agenda take place in our Slack (join here), at the #general-meeting channel. Welcome!
MyData Online 2022 Conference

Organised by MyData Events and Services with support by MyData Global and Partners.
MyData Online 2022 conference takes place on October 27! Building on the MyData 2022 conference in June in Helsinki, this event presents global perspectives on personal data. The programme features two 4-hour blocks to suit various time zones. Topics include smart cities, data governance, data spaces, children’s data rights, and more. In addition to inspiring keynotes and interactive sessions focusing on use cases and thought leadership, there are also networking and pitch sessions. Welcome!
MyData Online 2022 brings together stakeholders representing Business, Legal, Tech and Social perspectives, because they are all equally important for accelerating human-centric policies and their practical implementation.
If you are a business leader, CDO, CIO, CTO, CPO, policy maker or a policy shaper, DPO or legal expert, digital transformation expert, business development professional, privacy or data protection advocate, cloud architect, or/and data enthusiast – this is the event for you!
The conference is free to attend so we can reach a wide audience. However, we would appreciate your support, and thus provide alternatives (0€, 49€, or 99€) to support our global event production.

*Program schedule is subject to change.
The First block: Asica-Pacifec & Europe Focus
Time UTC+0 |
06:00-06:50 UTC+0 |
Session |
Opening plenary Welcome + Introduction Keynote by Kohei Kurihara, Privacy by Design Lab What does business need to consider designing privacy Into practices? |
07:00-07:50 UTC+0 |
Use cases in smart cities – Host: Michael Mulquin, Open & Agile Smart Cities – Digitalization and smart cities in Japan. Takehiko Nagumo, Smart City Institute Japan – Ecolyo, a tool to manage your energy consumption. Myriam Jégat, Métropole de Lyon *This session is hosted by the H3C: Human-centric companies and cities project (H3C). H3C is co-funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council from the sum allocated for the purpose of buttressing sustainable growth and vitality in the regions. | EU Data Act, Data Governance Act & personal data intermediaries – Host: Viivi Lähteenoja, MyData Global – The best data innovation board for Europe. Antti ‘Jogi’ Poikola, Sitra – What opportunities and threats those new acts bring. Tobias Bräutigam, Bird & Bird Attorneys Ltd. |
08:00-08:50 UTC+0 |
Where is business in data spaces? | Data, indigenous people & sustainability |
– Host: Esther Huyer, Capgemini Invent – Economics and business in the data economy. Richard Stevens, IDC – Swiss Tourism Dataspace, André Golliez, Swiss Data Alliance – Data spaces and market adoption, Christoph Mertens, IDSA | – Host: Pyrou Chung, East West Management Institute – Indigenous knowledge and data sovereignty, Pirawan Wongnithisathaporn, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact – Data governance and sustainability : learning from indigenous community. Juliana Harsianti, Global Voices Indonesia – Children online safety for indigenous peoples, Dixon Siu, Fujitsu Limited |
09:00-10:00 UTC+0 |
Pitch track 1: use cases and practices | Pitch track 2: infrastructure and enablers |
–Digital capsules for life. Pam Moorhouse, My Life Capsule – Decentralised human-centric health data space infrastructure for diabetes care. Lal Chandran, (Sweden) –Liberate the neighborhood data with Superhood. Markku Mehtälä, Superhood. – GDPR: Problem or opportunity. Vihtori Lehtonen, Missing-Link Oy –Secure data sharing with confidential cloud. Nicolae Paladi, CanaryBit – Age verification to preserve privacy. Colin Brown, Capability Brown / Yoti – Medical mandates & inheriting made easy by SSI Trust Framework & The development of a certificate of inheritance in SSI format. Leon Roseleur & Roeland Euwens, Davinci Consulting – MyData Operator interoperability with consent receipts. Mikael Rinnetmäki, Sensotrend Oy & Crt Ahlin, Datafund. | – Data protection tool for SMEs. Veera Seaman, TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre – Recover, understand & leverage your data. Paul-Olivier Dehaye, –Flipping the concept of who owns the digital therapy room. Geoff Revill, Safe Space One – Collaboration is the future of data sharing. Ruben Lasuy, Datavillage. – Introduction to the DCDR Framework. Jean F. Queralt, The IO Foundation – Decentralized storage for personal data: goals and requirements. Alexander Kuprin, MidHub & Alexander Partin, Private Practice –Virtual Finland – a first cross-border data space built on MyData. Pirkka Frosti, CEO, IOXIO / Virtual Finland |
Networking sessions
10:10-10:50 UTC+0 |
Smart cities enablers | The Netherlands Hub Meetup |
Host: Karolina Mackiewicz H3C project manager, MyData Global | Host: Marlies Rikken Productmanager Trust & Identity, SURF *This session is held in Dutch. |
11:00-11:50 UTC+0 |
Data Spaces ad Personal Data |
Host: Paul Theyskens Co-founder, MyData Brussels Hub, Business Archiect, Datamixer |
10:10-11:50 UTC+0 |
Casual Networking | 1-1 speed networking (10min) |
In the fluid space, start a conversation with someone near you. | Pair randomly, participants can extend 10 min |
The second block: Americas & Europe Focus
12:00-12:50 UTC+0 |
First block highlights + Keynote |
Privacy 2.0: A Post-Compliance Era of Profitable Privacy Practices Joe Toscano, Mach 9 |
13:00-13:50 UTC+0 |
Human friendly privacy policies | Global regulations on data governance |
Designing privacy policies that people actually read and understand. – Host: Tarmo Toikkanen, Forum Virium Helsinki – Piia Hanhirova, Forum Virium Helsinki – Paula Bello, MyData Global – Arianna Rossi, University of Luxemburg – Mika Leivo, Helsinki – Eva Leppänen, Arctic Machine (Infotripla) – Jarno Ritari, Arctic Machine (Infotripla) *This session is hosted by Forum Virium Helsinki. | Data Governance form the Global South – Host: Dr Luca Belli, FGV Law School – Dr Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa – Mishi Choudhary, Software Freedom Law Center India, – Wei Wang, FGV Law School (CyberBRICS Project) |
14:00-14:50 UTC+0 |
Children’s data rights and design | Collective governance of data |
MyData4Children: A deep-dive into mIKs-it, the first MyData Operator for Children Hosts: – Paula Bello, MyData4Children Lead – Gülsen Guller, MyData Literacy Lead – Steven Vosloo, UNICEF representative SPEAKERS: – Katryna Dow, Meeco CEO & Founder (MyData Operator) – Erik Van Acker, Heder – Gaby Pereira Martins, Heder and “Mother of mIKs-it” | Host: Sille Sepp, MyData Global – Shared governance of data and PETs Matthew Prewitt & Jack Henderson, RadicalxChange Foundation – Building shared momentum on personal data empowerment. Paul-Olivier Dehaye, |
15:00-16:00 UTC+0 |
Keynote + conference highlights |
Host: Sille Sepp, MyData Global The data delusion: protecting individual data isn’t enough when the harm is collective. Martin Tisné, Luminate Jeni Tennison, Connected by Data |

Support our community works
MyData Global ry is collecting donations to advance our community works and core operations. Our mission is to empower individuals by improving their right to self-determination regarding their personal data.
Your donations will be used to support:
– MyData Global’s membership activities (coordination and development activities of working groups and communication)
– Organization of online and face-to-face events
– MyData Global ry’s normal fixed costs (such as office rent, software costs)
Disclaimer: MyData Global ry is a registered non-profit association. Business ID: 2971224-7. Small-scale money collection number is RA/2022/1443.
Open call for pitches at MyData Online 2022
We welcome the global MyData community to present a 5-min pitch that focuses on practical examples of ethical use of personal data, such as business practices, use cases, initiatives, or new projects.
Who can apply: any team, organisation, or individual
When is the pitch session: Oct 27, 2022 / 09:00-10:00 UTC+0
Open call ended on Oct 12. Sixteen teams will pitch at the conference.
Call for partnership
We are looking for a few more partners to contribute to making the event successful.
Partnerships contact:
Teemu Ropponen
email: teemu at!
We’d like to thank The IO Foundation, Forum Virium Helsinki / smashHit project, the H3C project / Helsinki Uusimaa Regional Council, and for their dedicated support to make the MyData 2022 Online happen!
Conference contact person:
Events Manager
Julia H. Liao
email: julia at
Learning Circle on MIM4 Standard

Welcome to the online Learning Circle on the Minimal Interoperability Standard 4 (MIM-4): Towards Interoperable Personal Data Management within Smart Cities
4 October – 22 November 2022, online, free
Provided by Vastuu Group & H3C project
The learning circle is part of the H3C: Human-centric companies and cities project, co-funded by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council from the sum allocated for the purpose of buttressing sustainable growth and vitality in the regions.
What is it all about
This learning circle consists of four workshops held biweekly (homework realisation could be given three weeks to conclude) from 4 October to 22 November. It’s all online and with free participation.
Each consecutive workshop drills deeper on implementing human-centric personal data use cases hands-on. The actual hands-on phase and team homework require the attendees to form teams of 3 to 4 persons, ultimately such teams should come from the same organisation and represent its core stakeholders what comes to realising new personal data-driven services. By the end of the circle the participants undergo a process of defining and implementing a working prototype of their own MyData service.
The provided sandbox based on our MyDataShare operator platform contains tools, simulated data sources and active credentials for the teams to configure their use cases within the MyData operator. Homework may include the team’s own software development around a rough MyData service prototype.
If some learning circle participants are either using a different MyData Operator already in their services, or represent another operator, the team homework can also be arranged around multi-operator interoperability. This would focus on data source interoperability across operators, and an approach is sought by using a suggested MIM4 Connector element. Access to the Connector source code and documentation is provided for the teams, and the simulated data sources for the generic MyData use cases can be used also in this cross-operator interoperability homework track.
The start time of the learning solution is at beginning of October (calendar week #40, tentatively Tuesday October 4, 2022). Solution would run 8-9 weeks onwards from the start date, meeting on Tuesday afternoons.
Session 1: Core design concepts with MyData services
4 October, 13:00-16:00 EET
In the first workshop, participants get introduced to core design concepts around MyData services and necessary elements such as identifiers, permissions and management of services in the context of the MyData Operator used in these workshops. (3h)
Session 2: Ideate and decide the
MyData service for each team
18 October, 13:00-16:00 EET
Participants are arranged an interactive workshop to invent and nail down their hypothetical MyData use case/service for each team to prototype on given MyData operator sandbox & its documentation. (3h)There’s homework for the teams to progress their prototype on their own.
Session 3: Coaching workshop
1 November 10:00-13:00 EET
In the third workshop, the homework progress is checked and coached by the organising team experts. (3-4h)
Session 4: Final workshop
22 November 13:00-16:30 EET
The final, fourth workshop is a longer event to review the results.
Teams will demonstrate their use case realisations and invoke feedback from the trainers. (3-4h)
How to participate:
The participation is free. To guarantee your place, register now!
MyData Global – Spring General Meeting 2022

Agenda and materials:
The agenda of the meeting consists of the points mandated by bylaws Section 10.4 “Agenda for General Meetings”, possible proposed amendments to bylaws and other issues that members want to raise to be discussed.
The detailed agenda and all materials was sent to members 7 days before the meeting.
Time: 30 June 2022, at 13.00 UTC+0.
- See your local time here
- Add to your calendar here
Online meeting: The general meetings are held ‘online first’ in Zoom.
No registration: No prior registration is needed. The link and password to join the Zoom call will be sent to all members before the meeting.
Bylaws and voting and elections regulations: The meeting is organised according to the association bylaws.
Agenda and materials:
The agenda of the meeting consists of the points mandated by bylaws Section 10.4 “Agenda for General Meetings”, possible proposed amendments to bylaws and other issues that members want to raise to be discussed.
The detailed agenda and all materials was sent to members 7 days before the meeting.
- Opening the general meeting
- Calling the meeting to order
- Chair
- Secretary, Tellers and Examiners of the minutes and other roles
- Notice and attendees present in the meeting
- Approving the agenda for the meeting
- Bylaws amendments
- Amendment to Section 10.5 Voting in General Meetings
- Mandatory tasks of the spring general meeting
- Presentation of the annual report by the Board
- Presentation of the performance report by the Steering Committee
- Presentation and approval of financial reports and relief of responsibility
- Any other business
- Update on the membership fees for organisations
- Update to the MyData visual identity
- Update to the work on taking the stance on personal data monetisation
- MyData 2022 conference
- Closing the meeting
Online participation: The password to join the Zoom call and voting codes will be sent to all members before the meeting.
General best practices:
- Please keep your microphone muted by default to avoid potential sound issues.
- The meeting is moderated by the Chair.
- If you’d like to make a comment or proposal, please indicate this by raising your hand in Zoom
- NB. If you are dialled into the meeting using a phone number, you will not be able to raise your hand or participate in indicative voting.
Any questions? If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Board Chair Viivi Lähteenoja (viivi[at] or Vice-Chair Antti ‘Jogi’ Poikola (antti.poikola[at]
More discussions on the agenda take place in our Slack (join here), at the #general-meeting channel. Welcome!