“The Future of Work & Skills” white paper summarises the learnings and the potential that has been identified from the MyData Accelerator for Work & Skills project, coordinated by The Finnish State Development Company Vake in 2019-2020. The participants in this program see a great opportunity for global leadership in building an ethical, functioning and […]
MyData – an introduction to human-centric use of personal data
This is the third, updated and translated English edition of the MyData White Paper, implemented by MyData Global association and funded by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland. The study sheds light on the benefits of MyData, the path to the practical implementation of it and shows the way towards an interoperable and people-oriented […]
MyData – Um modelo nórdico para gestão e processamento de dados pessoais centrando no ser humano
Este livro branco apresenta a estrutura, princípios e um modelo para uma abordagem de gestão e processamento de informações pessoais centrada no ser humano. A abordagem – definida como MyData – é feita com base no direito de os indivíduos acessarem os dados coletados sobre eles. A ideia central é que os indivíduos devem estar […]
MyData – 마이데이터 백서 사람 중심적인 개인데이터 활용
마이데이터 코리아허브는 비영리 글로벌조직인 마이데이터 글로벌(MyData Global)의 한국 지부이자 협회입니다. 마이데이터 코리아허브는마이데이터 글로벌이 추진하는 마이데이터 운동에 활발히 참여하면서, 한국 마이데이터 산업 및 제도 발전을 적극적으로 지원하고 있습니다.
MyData Webinar series
MyData derives from the human-centric paradigm which is aimed at a fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society, where the sharing of personal data is based on trust as well as balanced and fair relationship between individuals and organisations. The webinar series presents projects, initiatives, startups, researchers who are putting the MyData principles, step-by-step, into practice.
MyData – 個人中心のパーソナルデータの管理と処理のための北欧モデル
このホワイトペーパーでは、個人中心アプローチによるパーソナルデータ管理と処理に関するフレームワ ークや、原則、モデルを紹介する。MyData として定義されたこのアプローチは、収集された自分自身のデータに個人がアクセスする権利に基づいている。基本的な考え方は、個人が自分自身のデータをコント ロールすべきということである。MyData のアプローチは、デジタル社会における人権を強化するととも に、個人と企業が相互に信頼する中で、パーソナルデータを活用した革新的なサービスが実現する機会を もたらすことを目指している。