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MyData Operator Award information session 2

The MyData Operator Award recognises personal data companies that have shown leadership by providing human-centric solutions that empower individuals to manage their personal data.
A key concern for personal data companies is reputation management in the under-regulated personal data sector. Users and investors share concerns as well – users want to know their data is safe and that they have practical means to manage their data. Investors want to be assured there isn’t a data handling scandal hiding behind glossy annual reports and impressive growth figures. Governments too increasingly want to open up the personal data they hold to other organisations in order to improve public services.
Read the announcement:
Call details:
Meeting ID: 955 441 3568
Passcode: JoinMyData
State of MyData 2021

– A snapshot of the path to human-centric approach to personal data
The “State of MyData” publication was inspired by the discussions at the MyData Online 2020 Conference, the rigorous work of MyData Global’s local hubs and thematic groups as well as the community at large. It will help you understand the landscape of MyData and how to leverage it in various contexts, encouraging further work in governance and standardisation, and highlighting the important pillars crucial for implementing MyData in practice.
We are excited to see MyData gain a momentum around the world! We believe the State of MyData 2021 report helps understand and structure the diverse perspectives and contexts related to the paradigm shift towards the human-centric approach to personal data. We invite businesses, governments, universities, nonprofits and of course individuals to join us in actionable, structured and impactful efforts to make these shifts a reality.
– Teemu Ropponen, General Manager of MyData Global
State of MyData 2021 – Read the full publication
The full publication, in a user-friendly format, can be downloaded for free use. Share it with your networks and use it as a base for your own work.
The State of MyData 2021 provides a snapshot of how we are moving forward on the journey towards a fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society for all.
The event introduced the current state of MyData through inspirational examples of implementation in practice in the domains of city work, mobility, skills, and children’s rights.
In addition to the authors of the publication, the spotlight presentations were from:
- Kristina Yasuda, Identity Standards Architect, Microsoft
- Mikko Rusama, Chief Digital Officer, Helsinki
- Luukas Ilves, Head of Strategy, Guardtime
- Jasmina Byrne, Chief of Policy, UNICEF
Read the summary in our blog
We’ve collected five takeaways you will gather from the State of MyData 2021 in our blog post. It will give you an overview of the publication and what is in it for you.
#8 Understanding MyData Operators

- Understanding MyData Operators.
Presented by Antti “Jogi” Poikola, Joss Langford and Wil Jannsen.
#7 Personal APIs

- Meeco
Presented by Jo Vercammen -
Presented by Lal Chandran
#4 Consent Mechanisms

- Consent Receipt Specification
Presented by Jim Pasquale (Kantara Initiative)
This global consent receipt specification aims to decrease the reliance on privacy policies and enhance the ability for people to share and control personal information.
Slides - Fairdrop
Presented by Crt Ahlin (DataFund)
Fairdrop is an open sourced Consent Receipt Suite (using Kantara’s CR specification and storing them into Fairdrive decentralized storage.
#3 Digital Wallets and Vaults

- Schluss
Presented by Marie-Jose Hoefmans
Schluss puts you back in control of your personal information. Their tagline is “With Schluss you, and only you, decide who knows what about you.” - Minerva
Presented by Robert Mitwicki
Minerva is designed as a new generation of a mobile digital wallet, similar like an analog wallet but for the decentralized economy in the Web 3.0 with a strong focus on simple to use interfaces. With the wallet people can manage their electronic identities and data assets.